RAHERIVELO Fidi | Pastor | Bethel Church | Madagascar |  |
Rosalyne Field | Minister | Liberty Missions | Australia |  |
Ben Fitzgerald | Senior leader | Awakening Europe | Germany |  |
Olivier Fleury | Founder | JC2033 | Switzerland |  |
Janice Flinn | | | United States |  |
Wayne Flonders | Evangelist / teacher | Teen Challenge / Global Christian Ministerial Forum | Canada |  |
Mpungu Florent Kunkadi | Evangelist | WORLD END TIME MISSION | South Africa |  |
Sue Ford | Ms | | United Kingdom |  |
James Fox | Mr. | jfox@teamexpansion.org | United States |  |
Jefferson f santos França | Pastor | AD-BRAZIL | Brazil |  |
Francisco de Paulo Ribeiro Francisco | Coordenador Senami | AD Maranguape | Brazil |  |
Alexandre Franck | Apostle | Gospel Vision International | France |  |
Barbi Franklin | President | Worship City | United States |  |
Terry and Barbi Franklin | Founders | Love Sings Ministries | United States |  |
Tim Freeman | U.S. Co-director | GO Movement | United States |  |
Jonathan Friz | Founder | 10 Days of Prayer | United States |  |
Wennar FX | Mr | GBI Sukawarna, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia | Indonesia |  |
Grace Glend Gabisay | Ms | Victorias National High School | Philippines |  |
Karthik Gandamalla | the great commission | Reaching Every soul for transformation | India |  |
karen gander | Christian Sunday School Teacher | Living Faith Church | United States |  |
Kaiya Gao | | | Japan |  |
Adelina Garcia | | | United States |  |
Alton Garrison | Rev | Assemblies of God | United States |  |
Alton Garrison | Rev. | Acts 2 Journey Assemblies of God | United States |  |
Messner Gary | Mr | CIYF | United Kingdom |  |
Shad Gates | | | United States |  |
Ashenafi Gebrekirstos | | Gate of Heaven International Apostolic Church | Ethiopia |  |
Brent Gentzel | Pastor | Fbckaufman | United States |  |
Deepu George | Chief Inspirer | Jesus Inspires Initiatives (JII) | United Arab Emirates |  |
Ricky George | Founder | Outcast India | India |  |
Daniel Gerber | Journalist | GO Movement | Switzerland |  |
Johann Gerber | Mr | Beit Shalom | South Africa |  |
J.C. Gerlach | Dhr | | Netherlands |  |
Andualem Gessesse | Pastor | Ethiopia Full Gospel Believers Church | Ethiopia |  |
Samuel Ghartey | Rev | Assemblies of God, Ghana | Ghana |  |
Soloman Ghosh | CEO | SERVANTS OF THE NATION-INDIA | India |  |
Paul Gidudu | Pastor | International Great Faith Ministries | Uganda |  |
Heinz Giesbrecht | Intercessor | | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |  |
Paula Giesey | Mrs | Storehouse Dallas | United States |  |
Shafquat Gill | Reverend | Gospel Lighthouse Ministry Pakistan | Pakistan |  |
Nancy Gilmer | | | United States |  |
Giovanni Berhitu Giovanni | Pastor | Christ For You - Rotterdam | Netherlands |  |
Rachel Githongo | Intercessor | Chrisco church | Kenya |  |
Orach Godfrey | Mr | Calvary chapel Kitgum | Uganda |  |
Maria Celina Gomez | | | Philippines |  |
Simon Goodwin | Mr | | New Zealand |  |
Rebecca Gorman | Pray for Zero Journal Manager | Seed Company | United States |  |
Larry Graber | Executive Director | KIN International | United States |  |
Okello Grace Michael | Bishop and Apostle | Revival Mission of Uganda | Uganda |  |
Aurelia Graciella Fam | | | Indonesia |  |
Wayne Graham | | | United States |  |
Mart Green | Ministry Investment Officer | Hobby Lobby | United States |  |
Kelly Grimes | | | United States |  |
Hilde Lundgaard Grimstad | Author | Jesuskvinner | Norway |  |
Elmer Grobler | Mr | Scripture Educational Programs | South Africa |  |
Vicki Grover | | | United States |  |
David Groves | General Manager | GEB America/GEB.TV | United States |  |
Angel Guillermo | PASTOR | ASSEMBLIES of GOD | Philippines |  |
Buta Gulshan | Bishop | Lovers of Christ Church Ministries Pakistan | Pakistan |  |
Charles Gultom | Mr. | GBI Senayan City | Indonesia |  |
Moses kofi Gyedi | Rev.Dr | Assemblies of God, Ghana | Ghana |  |
Justin Haese | Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor | Wellspring Ministries | United States |  |
Jono Hall | Founder | Clarion Consulting | United States |  |
Lon Halley | | | United States |  |
Christine Hamm | Secretary | New Life Fellowship Church | United States |  |
Fakhry Hanna | Pastor | E21 | Egypt |  |
David Harder | Rev. | International Association of Healing Rooms | United States |  |
Mercy Ama Harley | Miss | Hopespring Foundation | Ghana |  |
Mercy Ama Harley | Miss | Hopespring Foundation | Ghana |  |
Tim Harlow | Pastor Board Member | Parkview Church Spire (Independent Christian Churches) | United States |  |
Jo Harris | Mrs | Church Pastor | Australia |  |
Joanie Harris | | | United States |  |
Lucy Harris | Pastor | Thy Kingdom Reigns | Barbados |  |
Walujo Hassan | Program Manager | Let children live uganda | Uganda |  |
Timo Havia | Elder | Pentecostal Church of Valkeakoski | Finland |  |
Michael Hawley | Major | The Salvation Army | United States |  |
Barbara Healy | Ms | | United States |  |
Edwina Heard | | | United States |  |
Velasco Hedda | | Word International Ministries Frankfurt e.V. | Germany |  |
Kyle Henderson | Pastor | First Baptist Athens, Texas | United States |  |
Nancy Henkes | Elder | Living Hope Community Church | United States |  |
Cornelius Henry | Rev | Church of England | United Kingdom |  |
Desmond Henry | Dr | Luis Palau Association | South Africa |  |
Ruth Herlan | Evangelist | Eagle Evangelistic Missions @Soaring Eagles in Christ Ministries | United States |  |
Chandra Hermawan | Community Pastor and Entreperneur | GBI PRJ Church | Indonesia |  |
NGO MBEDECK Hermine Marthe vanelle | EVANGELISTE | Ministère de l'Evangelisation et de la restauration | Cameroon |  |
JOE HERNANDEZ | DR. | CITY OF DREAMS | United Arab Emirates |  |
Judi Herrig | Mrs | | Germany |  |
John Hewitson | Professor | University of Cape Town | South Africa |  |
Hilda Ninsin Berko Hilda Ninsin | Miss | | Ghana |  |
Tim Hill | General Overseer | Church of God, Cleveland, TN | United States |  |
Timothy Hill | General Overseer | Church of God | United States |  |
Clement Hlama | clement.atche@gmail.com | Agence Evangelique de Compassion | Chad |  |
Osborn Hleza | Chairman | Assemblies of God (AOG Southern Africa) | South Africa |  |
John-Paul Hodgins | Reverend | Biker Chaplains | United States |  |
Karen Hodson | Ms | Church member | United Kingdom |  |
Ethan Hoeft | | | Mexico |  |
Eric Hofmeyer | Dr. Rev | Battswood Baptist Church | South Africa |  |
Travis Holownia | Executive Director | Resurgence Initiatives | Canada |  |
Robert Hoskins | President | Onehope | United States |  |