Displaying 301 - 400 of 990

 Name Title Organization Country Signature
RAHERIVELO FidiPastorBethel ChurchMadagascar
Rosalyne FieldMinisterLiberty MissionsAustralia
Ben FitzgeraldSenior leaderAwakening EuropeGermany
Olivier FleuryFounderJC2033Switzerland
Janice FlinnUnited States
Wayne FlondersEvangelist / teacherTeen Challenge / Global Christian Ministerial ForumCanada
Mpungu Florent KunkadiEvangelistWORLD END TIME MISSIONSouth Africa
Sue FordMsUnited Kingdom
James FoxMr.jfox@teamexpansion.orgUnited States
Jefferson f santos FrançaPastorAD-BRAZILBrazil
Francisco de Paulo Ribeiro FranciscoCoordenador SenamiAD MaranguapeBrazil
Alexandre FranckApostleGospel Vision InternationalFrance
Barbi FranklinPresidentWorship CityUnited States
Terry and Barbi FranklinFoundersLove Sings MinistriesUnited States
Tim FreemanU.S. Co-directorGO MovementUnited States
Jonathan FrizFounder10 Days of PrayerUnited States
Wennar FXMrGBI Sukawarna, Bandung, West Java, IndonesiaIndonesia
Grace Glend GabisayMsVictorias National High SchoolPhilippines
Karthik Gandamallathe great commissionReaching Every soul for transformationIndia
karen ganderChristian Sunday School TeacherLiving Faith ChurchUnited States
Kaiya GaoJapan
Adelina GarciaUnited States
Alton GarrisonRevAssemblies of GodUnited States
Alton GarrisonRev.Acts 2 Journey Assemblies of GodUnited States
Messner GaryMrCIYFUnited Kingdom
Shad GatesUnited States
Ashenafi GebrekirstosGate of Heaven International Apostolic ChurchEthiopia
Brent GentzelPastorFbckaufmanUnited States
Deepu GeorgeChief InspirerJesus Inspires Initiatives (JII)United Arab Emirates
Ricky GeorgeFounderOutcast IndiaIndia
Daniel GerberJournalistGO MovementSwitzerland
Johann GerberMrBeit ShalomSouth Africa
J.C. GerlachDhrNetherlands
Andualem GessessePastorEthiopia Full Gospel Believers ChurchEthiopia
Samuel GharteyRevAssemblies of God, GhanaGhana
Paul GiduduPastorInternational Great Faith MinistriesUganda
Heinz GiesbrechtIntercessorSaint Vincent and the Grenadines
Paula GieseyMrsStorehouse DallasUnited States
Shafquat GillReverendGospel Lighthouse Ministry PakistanPakistan
Nancy GilmerUnited States
Giovanni Berhitu GiovanniPastorChrist For You - RotterdamNetherlands
Rachel GithongoIntercessorChrisco churchKenya
Orach GodfreyMrCalvary chapel KitgumUganda
Maria Celina GomezPhilippines
Simon GoodwinMrNew Zealand
Rebecca GormanPray for Zero Journal ManagerSeed CompanyUnited States
Larry GraberExecutive DirectorKIN InternationalUnited States
Okello Grace MichaelBishop and ApostleRevival Mission of UgandaUganda
Aurelia Graciella FamIndonesia
Wayne GrahamUnited States
Mart GreenMinistry Investment OfficerHobby LobbyUnited States
Kelly GrimesUnited States
Hilde Lundgaard GrimstadAuthorJesuskvinnerNorway
Elmer GroblerMrScripture Educational ProgramsSouth Africa
Vicki GroverUnited States
David GrovesGeneral ManagerGEB America/GEB.TVUnited States
Angel GuillermoPASTORASSEMBLIES of GODPhilippines
Buta GulshanBishopLovers of Christ Church Ministries PakistanPakistan
Charles GultomMr.GBI Senayan CityIndonesia
Moses kofi GyediRev.DrAssemblies of God, GhanaGhana
Justin HaeseProphet, Evangelist, PastorWellspring MinistriesUnited States
Jono HallFounderClarion ConsultingUnited States
Lon HalleyUnited States
Christine HammSecretaryNew Life Fellowship ChurchUnited States
Fakhry HannaPastorE21Egypt
David HarderRev.International Association of Healing RoomsUnited States
Mercy Ama HarleyMissHopespring FoundationGhana
Mercy Ama HarleyMissHopespring FoundationGhana
Tim HarlowPastor Board MemberParkview Church Spire (Independent Christian Churches)United States
Jo HarrisMrsChurch PastorAustralia
Joanie HarrisUnited States
Lucy HarrisPastorThy Kingdom ReignsBarbados
Walujo HassanProgram ManagerLet children live ugandaUganda
Timo HaviaElderPentecostal Church of ValkeakoskiFinland
Michael HawleyMajorThe Salvation ArmyUnited States
Barbara HealyMsUnited States
Edwina HeardUnited States
Velasco HeddaWord International Ministries Frankfurt e.V.Germany
Kyle HendersonPastorFirst Baptist Athens, TexasUnited States
Nancy HenkesElderLiving Hope Community ChurchUnited States
Cornelius HenryRevChurch of EnglandUnited Kingdom
Desmond HenryDrLuis Palau AssociationSouth Africa
Ruth HerlanEvangelistEagle Evangelistic Missions @Soaring Eagles in Christ MinistriesUnited States
Chandra HermawanCommunity Pastor and EntreperneurGBI PRJ ChurchIndonesia
NGO MBEDECK Hermine Marthe vanelleEVANGELISTEMinistère de l'Evangelisation et de la restaurationCameroon
Judi HerrigMrsGermany
John HewitsonProfessorUniversity of Cape TownSouth Africa
Hilda Ninsin Berko Hilda NinsinMissGhana
Tim HillGeneral OverseerChurch of God, Cleveland, TNUnited States
Timothy HillGeneral OverseerChurch of GodUnited States
Clement Hlamaclement.atche@gmail.comAgence Evangelique de CompassionChad
Osborn HlezaChairmanAssemblies of God (AOG Southern Africa)South Africa
John-Paul HodginsReverendBiker ChaplainsUnited States
Karen HodsonMsChurch memberUnited Kingdom
Ethan HoeftMexico
Eric HofmeyerDr. RevBattswood Baptist ChurchSouth Africa
Travis HolowniaExecutive DirectorResurgence InitiativesCanada
Robert HoskinsPresidentOnehopeUnited States
 Name Title Organization Country Signature

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