Yagub Akoch Kuek Thon | Pastor | South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church | South Sudan |  |
Pam Tiernan | Trustee | C&G Charitable Foundation | United States |  |
Samuel Tigah | Pastor | Temple of Praise Assembly of God | United States |  |
Marissa Tirona | Mrs. | United Pentecostal Church | United Kingdom |  |
Gert Tjambiru | Pastor | Cornerstone Fellowship international | Namibia |  |
Dani Tjoa | Mr | GBI | Indonesia |  |
Fred Toke | Dr | People for Care and Learning | Singapore |  |
Michael Tomah | Minister of the Gospel | Meloey Love Children Ministry | Liberia |  |
Michael Tomah | Minister of the Gospel | Meloey Love Children Ministry | Liberia |  |
Siegfried Tomazsewski | President | Calling Ministry | United States |  |
John Vincely TR | Pastor | Assemblies of God | India |  |
Jean-Luc Trachsel | Evangelist | International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) + Europe Shall be saved + Gospel Wave & Churches | Switzerland |  |
Jean-Luc Trachsel | President | Europe Shall be saved | Switzerland |  |
Chris Tranchell | Mrs | | United States |  |
JOSÉ ROSENDO TRIANA HERNANDEZ | Siervo Misionero | | Colombia |  |
David Trujillo | Superintendent | ISPE (IPHC Spain) | Spain |  |
Stella Trujillo | | | United States |  |
Hénoc TUTU | Disciple de JESUS-CHRIST | | France |  |
Uche Udeariry | | | Nigeria |  |
Jeffrey Ulmer | Mr. | YWAM | United States |  |
Joshua Uno | Evangelist | RCCG | Nigeria |  |
Misaele Usa | Pastor | CMFI Capital Harvest Church | United States |  |
Sharon Usai | | | Netherlands |  |
Lillian Uwanjye | Child of God | Oral Roberts University | United States |  |
Ivan Valansevich | Raphael | International mission Raphael | Poland |  |
Carmel Pauline Valdez | Disciple | Jesus Christ the King Church | Philippines |  |
abigail valencia | Ms | | Switzerland |  |
Jesse van Beek | Creative Director | Useable Design | Netherlands |  |
Jos Van Dam | Dhr. | Stichting Nieuw Hart | Netherlands |  |
Elma van Delft | Ms | Fountain of Life | Belgium |  |
Sophine van Delft | Mrs | Mozaiek071 | Netherlands |  |
Robin van der Reest | | GODcentre Gouda | Netherlands |  |
Mattheus van der Steen | Evangelist | Harvest Fields International | Netherlands |  |
Jam van der Walt | Pastor | AFM South Africa | South Africa |  |
BRIAN VAN DEVENTER | General Director | EME Ministries | United States |  |
Simuka Van Edrine | Team leader | Stichting Simuka Children ministries | Uganda |  |
Alfons van Vliet | Dominee | Protestantse Kerk Nederland | Netherlands |  |
Els Van Winden | Mrs | | Netherlands |  |
Garrith Van Wyk | Church leader Elder | Shofar Church | South Africa |  |
Willemina Vander Dussen | | | United States |  |
Santosh Varghese | Mr | Modern School | India |  |
John Varughese | Dr. | Ascension Ministries International | India |  |
Deborah Vaughn | | | United States |  |
Willemijn Veerman | | | Netherlands |  |
Renato Velasco | Pastor | Word International Ministries Frankfurt e.V. | Germany |  |
KODJO VIVI | Pastor | SOTERIA 228 | Togo |  |
Geofrey Walera | Mr | Charity | Uganda |  |
Evangelist Chance Walters | Evangelist | Chance Walters Ministries International | United States |  |
Bradley Walz | Wagf missions chairman | Assembly of God | United States |  |
Job Wanami | Leader | Foursquare Gospel Mission Kenya | Kenya |  |
Naman Olumela Wanyama | Missionary | FUTURE CENTER CBO | Kenya |  |
Marien Wegeling | Director | Dienstbaar | Netherlands |  |
Robert Weikel | | Retired | United States |  |
David Wells | President | Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America | Canada |  |
David Wells | General Superintendent | Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada | Canada |  |
Istifanus Wetpus Dawap | Missionary | Christ for Nations ℅ church of Christ in Nations | Nigeria |  |
Judy Whitehead | Evangelist | | United States |  |
Jesupelumi Wickliffe | Chief Digital Strategist | Empowered21 | United States |  |
Agustina Ambar Widyasari | Ms. | GBI | Indonesia |  |
Michael Willey | | | United States |  |
William Wilson | Chair | Empowered21 | United States |  |
William Ashley Wilson | Assistant Director | Empowered21 | United States |  |
Cindee Windus | Mrs | | Australia |  |
Fred Wireko | Rev | The Church of Pentecost | Ghana |  |
MAURICE WODI | Mr | RCCG - The Redeemed Christian Church of God. | United Kingdom |  |
Joseph Wing Lap WONG | | Bethel Assembly of Gof | Singapore |  |
Beverly Wootton | President | Life Changing Discipleship Ministry | United States |  |
Apple Wu | Mr. | None | Taiwan |  |
Grace Yang | | | China |  |
Peter Mensah Yanney | Pastor | The Church of Pentecost | Ghana |  |
Peter Yap | Mr | Evangelical Free Church, Malaysia | Malaysia |  |
samuel yeboah asare | Pastor | The Church of Pentecost, Ghana | Ghana |  |
Andy Yeoh | Pastor | Generations Church | Malaysia |  |
Kokou Yevi | | | Benin |  |
Emmanuel Yirebi | Reverend | The Church of Pentecost | Ghana |  |
Puyun You | | | China |  |
Imran Younas | Everyone Reach | Full Gospel Assembly Pakistan | Pakistan |  |
louann young | President | Hands of Joy | South Africa |  |
Mika Yrjölä | Lead Pastor | Living Word International Christian Church | United States |  |
Seongdeok Yun | | Love Mission | South Korea |  |
MC Zaniah | Founder | Aquarian Spirituality | Israel |  |
Bożena Zeifert | Mrs | HOP. Gliwice | Poland |  |
Emeline Zhang | | | Singapore |  |
Noah Zibai | Dr. Pastor | Clergy | Nigeria |  |
Mbhekeni Zikalala | Minister | Organization | South Africa |  |
Jerry Zimba | Pastor | International Christian Assembly | Malawi |  |
Cece ZOGBELEMOU | Pastor | Shekinah International Ministries | Guinea |  |
Munetsi Zowa | Dr. Bishop | Pentecostal Assemblies Of Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |  |
世真 陈 | 2033计划 | 紐约24小时禱告中心NY24/7PC | United States |  |