Jesupelumi Wickliffe | Chief Digital Strategist | Empowered21 | United States |  |
Max Barroso | Chairman | PWF World Missions Commission | United States |  |
Walter Kim | President | National Association of Evangelicals | United States |  |
Philip Ryken | President | Wheaton College | United States |  |
Toni Kim | Director of Spiritual Care | National Association of Evangelicals | United States |  |
Larry Graber | Executive Director | KIN International | United States |  |
Brian Kluth | Generosity Author, Speaker & Mobilizer | | United States |  |
John Jenkins | President | Converge Worldwide | United States |  |
Benjamin Juster | President | Tikkun America | United States |  |
Henry Cappello | Executive Directore | Global2033 | Italy |  |
Timothy Anderson | President | Anderson Leadership | United States |  |
Wonsuk Ma | Dean | ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY | United States |  |
Keith Boyette | Transitional Connectional Officer | Global Methodist Church | United States |  |
Tim Harlow | Pastor Board Member | Parkview Church Spire (Independent Christian Churches) | United States |  |
Mart Green | Ministry Investment Officer | Hobby Lobby | United States |  |
Doug Clay | General Superintendent | Assemblies of God | United States |  |
Werner Nachtigal | International President | GO Movement | Germany |  |
Olivier Fleury | Founder | JC2033 | Switzerland |  |
Thomas Paul Schirrmacher | Secretary General | World Evangelical Alliance | Germany |  |
Robert Hoskins | President | Onehope | United States |  |
Doug Beacham | General Superintendent | International Pentecostal Holiness Church | United States |  |
Young Cho | International Director | Billion Soul Harvest | South Korea |  |
Samuel Chiang | Deputy Scretary General | World Evangelical Alliance | United States |  |
David Wells | President | Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America | Canada |  |
James Hwang | Dr. | BSH / EROM INC. | South Korea |  |
William Wilson | Chair | Empowered21 | United States |  |
Jason Albelo | Pastor | Foursquare Missions International & FDR | United States |  |
Sabrina Shaheen | | ERDO | Canada |  |
Jack Rutto Kipkesing | Relief Coordinator | CITAM | Kenya |  |
Serges NSABIMANA | Bishop /PRESIDENT | Foursquare Gospel church Burundi | Burundi |  |
Billy Ngoreta | Director Social Concerns | Pentecostal Assmeblies of Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |  |
Gloria Ndayikekungurukiye | President | Blessed family | Burundi |  |
Bishop Bagonza Charles | General Overseer | Pentecostal Churches of Uganda | Uganda |  |
John Atol | Pastor | Pentecostal Assemblies of God - Turkana | Kenya |  |
Sheila Sirengo | Social Action and Advocacy Coordinator | CITAM | Kenya |  |
Bishop Bagonza Charles | General Overseer | PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES of UGANDA | Uganda |  |
John Atol | District Secretary | Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Turkana - Kenya | Kenya |  |
Sam Dhlodhlo | General Manager | Childcare Ministries | Zimbabwe |  |
David Trujillo | Superintendent | ISPE (IPHC Spain) | Spain |  |
Emiau simon Peter Emiau | Bishop | Pentecostal Assemblies of God | Uganda |  |
Angom Jane | Mujoma | Pentecostal Ministries of Uganda | Uganda |  |
Saulo Lima | Diretor Executivo | SENAMI - Secretaria Nacional de Missões | Brazil |  |
MOISES RICARDO SILVA | | | Brazil |  |
Jair Felisbino da Silva | Pastor | Assembléia de Deus, Ministério do Belem, Osasco , SP. | Brazil |  |
Isaac Dias Sousa | Coordenador da SENAMI, secretaria nacional de missões | SENAMI | Brazil |  |
Job Wanami | Leader | Foursquare Gospel Mission Kenya | Kenya |  |
Paulo Roberto Silva | Coordenador senami campo de Igarapava sp | SENAMI: secretaria nacional de missões | Brazil |  |
Sergio Antunes Simões | Coordenador Senami | Senami | Brazil |  |
ANDRE DE SOUZA | Coordenador | SENAMI | Brazil |  |
ENÉIAS SANCHES | Coordenador SENAMI/AD Corumba e Ladario MS | SENAMI- Secretaria Nacional de Missões | Brazil |  |
Douglas Aguiar | Coordenador Senami - ADBH | Senami - Secretaria Nacional de Missões | Brazil |  |
Arnildo Silva | Coordenador SENAMI | SENAMI - Secretaria Nacional de Missões | Brazil |  |
MOISES CONCEIÇÃO | COORDENADOR SENAMI - AD RIO BONITO/RJ | SENAMI - Secretaria Nacional de Missões | Brazil |  |
jose carlos teixeira | Cordenador senami AD Belem Mogi das cruzes sp | Senami : secretaria nacional de missoes | Brazil |  |
Rodrigo Santana da silva | Secretário de planejamento SEMIADERJ Pastor missionário | Assembleia de Deus | Brazil |  |
Carlos Bahia | Coordenador SENAMI AD PALAVRA VIVA MURIAÉ | SENAMI secretária nacional de missões | Brazil |  |
Eliezer Balmat | Pastor | Assembleia de Deus | Brazil |  |
Osvaldo Carnival | President | Assamblies of God Argentina | Argentina |  |
Miguel Alvarez | Presidente/Rector | Seminario Bíblico Pentecostal Centramericano | Guatemala |  |
Leandro Machado costa | Coordenador senami AD Boas novas Guarapari | SENAMI Secretaria Nacional de missoes | Brazil |  |
Francisco de Paulo Ribeiro Francisco | Coordenador Senami | AD Maranguape | Brazil |  |
Mike Minick | | | United States |  |
Denis Piter | Coordenador Senami em Itaquera | Senami | Brazil |  |
Jefferson f santos França | Pastor | AD-BRAZIL | Brazil |  |
Steve Falkiner | President | Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada | Canada |  |
John Vincely TR | Pastor | Assemblies of God | India |  |
Royson Johni | Director for missions department | South India Assemblies of God | India |  |
E S Divakaran Satish | Ordained pastor Missions coordinator | Assemblies of God | India |  |
Daniel Koti | Rev.Dr | Assembly of God | India |  |
Ajay Jogi Ajay | Jogi | Assemblies of God | India |  |
Brian Alarid | President | World Prays | United States |  |
Jason Hubbard | Executive Director | International Prayer Connect | United States |  |
Jessica Davis | | | United States |  |
David Groves | General Manager | GEB America/GEB.TV | United States |  |
Daniel Alm | General Superintendent Pastor | Pentecostal movement of Sweden | Sweden |  |
Melody Divine | Prayer Strategist | Global Family 24-7 Prayer, 10 | United States |  |
Melody Divine | Prayer Strategist | Global Family 24-7 Prayer, 10 | United States |  |
David Burrows | Senior Pastor | Bahamas Faith Ministries | Bahamas |  |
Chady El Aouad | Senior Pastor | Abundant Life Church Lebanon | Lebanon |  |
Jonathan Friz | Founder | 10 Days of Prayer | United States |  |
Nick Park | Executive Director | Evangelical Alliance Ireland | Ireland |  |
Ishmael Charles | CARIBBEAN FIELD DIRECTOR | CHURCH OF GOD | Virgin Islands, British |  |
Alton Garrison | Rev. | Acts 2 Journey Assemblies of God | United States |  |
Andy Yeoh | Pastor | Generations Church | Malaysia |  |
Daniel King | Evangelist | King Ministries International | United States |  |
Desmond Henry | Dr | Luis Palau Association | South Africa |  |
Rubens Cunha | Evangelist | Global Gospel Action | Brazil |  |
Reid Saunders | Dr | Reid Saunders Association | United States |  |
Siegfried Tomazsewski | President | Calling Ministry | United States |  |
Terry Parkman | Global NextGen Ambassador | OneHope | United States |  |
Eric Nyamekye | Apostle | The Church of Pentecost | Ghana |  |
William Ashley Wilson | Assistant Director | Empowered21 | United States |  |
Mark Muleta | Campus Director | Every Nation Campus University Belt | Philippines |  |
Tom Murray | President | Southwestern Christian University | United States |  |
Jean-Luc Trachsel | Evangelist | International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) + Europe Shall be saved + Gospel Wave & Churches | Switzerland |  |
Jean-Luc Trachsel | President | Europe Shall be saved | Switzerland |  |
Mattheus van der Steen | Evangelist | Harvest Fields International | Netherlands |  |