Anzeige von 1 - 100 von 990

 Name Title Organization Country Signature
MC ZaniahFounderAquarian SpiritualityIsrael
Caren PhilemonMrsEuto Baptist ChurchUnited States
William SotoBishopVineland Church of GodUnited States
Päivi NironenThe Pentecostal Church of JämsäFinland
John-Paul HodginsReverendBiker ChaplainsUnited States
Arto NousiainenNational GO CoordinatorEvangelical Alliance of FinlandFinland
TABA EBENEZAR TATAReverend PastorGreat Commission Baptist ChurchCameroon
Lloyd EstradaLead PastorLifeWay ChurchPhilippines
Chrysten CopleyUnited States
Suzette PriskilaZaitun MinistryIndonesia
Hotpaian SaragiMrIndonesia
Gita AmandaSkenoo Ministry - Church MemberIndonesia
Aurelia Graciella FamIndonesia
Dani TjoaMrGBIIndonesia
Musellyana binti musa EllEvengelistSIB JAMalaysia
Low AlanFounderMANC Malaysia Apostolic Network Center (Chinese)Malaysia
Priskila LenaMsGBIIndonesia
Karthik Gandamallathe great commissionReaching Every soul for transformationIndia
Mangihut PardedePs/Ev, Bc.LowBethel gospel ful church, Yogyakarta CityIndonesia
BP KhanalNational DirectorMission to Unreached MillionsNepal
MAURICE WODIMrRCCG - The Redeemed Christian Church of God.United Kingdom
Arslan RaajGospel visionArslan New Hope MinistriesPakistan
Arslan RaajGospel visionhttps://arslannewhopeministries.org/Pakistan
James CourterLead PastorFaith Church/Arise InitiativeUnited States
BRIAN VAN DEVENTERGeneral DirectorEME MinistriesUnited States
Daniel ClarkAuditorUS Army Audit AgencyUnited States
Francisco Javier Solís DomínguezPastorICIPARMexico
PETER BADIAPresidentThe GPF Apostolic Missions Network IncKenya
Clifford MasambukaEvangelistBook Of Life(BOL)ChurchMalawi
Rajesh MalakiLead PastorFull Gospel ChurchIndia
Tadeu Augusto Paulino TadeuAgênciaAgência missionária imersosAngola
Joaquim António da SilvaConectados para revelar o amorGrupo RamáAngola
Milton AntónioObreiroCentro Cristão Vida AbundanteAngola
Remigio sunguete Sapalalo RemigioMissionárioEvangelho fora de 4 ParadeAngola
Rui Luis RodriguesPastorComunidade CarismaBrazil
David António Gouveia pinto SimLíderIgreja vida em CristoAngola
Mpungu Florent KunkadiEvangelistWORLD END TIME MISSIONSouth Africa
Colleen RooneyUnited States
Kirsi RothforsChair of the boardFinnish Evangelical AllianceFinland
Edouard Kossi AmetouNational DirectorCampus Crusade for Christ TogoTogo
Antony OloloPastorLight of the world foundationKenya
Roland IdohouPastorSalem Evangelical churchBenin
Moses OlelePastorElim churchUganda
Adam SwearingenEmmaus ProjectUnited States
Greg RobinsonUnited States
Andre DuncanDirectorFGBMFI JamaicaJamaica
Elizabeth SmithLiving WatersNew Zealand
Lon HalleyUnited States
Evan StoutUnited States
Thomas DodgeMr.United States
Anand Wesley AlliMissionary EvangelistAmbassadors for Christ MinistriesIndia
Alfred MufumbaPastor/Church PlanterSoul Harvest Mission Pentecostal ministries and Bugembe Pentecostal ChurchUganda
Stephen AraromiMrC.A.C Refuge of GodUnited Kingdom
Vaida Spangeleviciute-KneizieneThe head of pastoral departmentKaunas Archdioce VuriaLithuania
Jocelyn JacobsNew Zealand
Simon GoodwinMrNew Zealand
Wayne GrahamUnited States
Roland IdohouPastor'Salem Evangelical churchBenin
Seppo TanskanenFinland
Yael BuehlerWant to join the commitmentIsrael
Beverly WoottonPresidentLife Changing Discipleship MinistryUnited States
Peng David RenChina
Rocha HustonSrMinistério Apostólico Efraim - M12Brazil
Kogelnig RichardDr medHouse ChurchAustria
Varanisese KomaiyasaUnited States
Adelina GarciaUnited States
Misaele UsaPastorCMFI Capital Harvest ChurchUnited States
saleem ShalashDr. revHome of Jesus the king churchIsrael
Kathy PierceUnited States
NIKO NJOTORAHARDJOSenior PastorGBI Gatot SubrotoIndonesia
Asokan SekharanPresbytorAssembly of GodIndia
Willemina Vander DussenUnited States
Annie NakanjakoMsIntercessors for UgandsUganda
John SawyerCEOClear Bible Inc.United States
Djanivka PierreKings HighwayMs. MakaylaUnited States
J.C. GerlachDhrNetherlands
Ebenezer Tsiquaye AnkomahElderChurch of PentecostGhana
Rijo JohnyCOOOutcast IndiaIndia
Débora CamposYouth pastorIglesia CPNSpain
Meriño CamposFounding PastorIglesia CPNSpain
Fook Hwa TanChinese Christelijke Gemeente in NederlandNetherlands
Caleb NkrumahRev.Assemblies of GodGhana
SADIKIEL MOSESPastorDeeper Life ChurchTanzania, the United Republic of
Felicia SofiantyBethel Fellowship Limited (GBI Hong Kong)Hong Kong
Billy KamRevZomi Baptist Churches of AmericaUnited States
Rev Dr Rachel BalaRev DrAlliance Global tamil pastors associationMalaysia
Rev Dr Rachel BalaRev DrGlobal tamil pastors associationMalaysia
Shinie RajanMrsIndia
Mark MyersThe Gathering Place ChurchUnited States
Maria Victoria AanjePastor wifeLife Center Church Hamar, NorwayNorway
Ashenafi GebrekirstosGate of Heaven International Apostolic ChurchEthiopia
Ashley ChettyPastorACCESS CHURCHSouth Africa
Natalie ThomasOneHopeUnited States
Isireli KacimaiwaiRevMethodist Church in FijiFiji
Rijnie SchmidtN43Germany
Christianto SilitongaReverend/Mr.GBIIndonesia
Stafford JanineChrist FollowerUnited States
Olga CihanovskaDobeles Kristus DraudzeLatvia
 Name Title Organization Country Signature

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