| Luxembourg |
| United States |
“Ezekiel 37 Ministries” | India |
10 Days of Prayer | United States |
12amCRY.com | United Kingdom |
24:14 and Ethne | United Kingdom |
A Few Good Men and Women International- we’re in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Cameroon, Tanzania, India, Pakistan, USA , Malawi, and growing rapidly. Da | United States |
Abundant Life Church Lebanon | Lebanon |
ACCESS CHURCH | South Africa |
ACCkids | Australia |
ACTOS Cruzada International | Portugal |
AD Maranguape | Brazil |
AEA,WOLIM | Zimbabwe |
AFM South Africa | South Africa |
African Enterprise | Ghana |
African Enterprise International | Kenya |
Agence Evangelique de Compassion | Chad |
Agência missionária imersos | Angola |
Alianza estrategica de Evangelistas | Chile |
Alliance of Indian Ministries | Singapore |
Alpha Netherlands | Netherlands |
Anderson Leadership | United States |
AO Lab | United States |
Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada | Canada |
Apostolic Church UK | United Kingdom |
Aquarian Spirituality | Israel |
Arslan New Hope Ministries | Pakistan |
Asambleas de Dios Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Ascension Ministries International | India |
Assamblies of God Argentina | Argentina |
Assamblies of God Church | Nigeria |
Assembleia de Deus | Brazil |
Assemblies of God | Ghana |
Assemblies of God | India |
Assemblies of God | Kenya |
Assemblies of God | United States |
Assemblies of God (AOG Southern Africa) | South Africa |
Assemblies of God, Ghana | Ghana |
Assembly of God | India |
Baptist | India |
Baptist church | Zambia |
Battswood Baptist Church | South Africa |
Beautiful Feet Task Force | Australia |
Beit Shalom | South Africa |
Bethany Assembly of God Worship Centre Bihar India | India |
Bethel Fellowship Limited (GBI Hong Kong) | Hong Kong |
Bethel Pentecostal Church (PAOC) | Canada |
Billion Soul Harvest | South Korea |
BLACKBOX (https://blackbox.earth) | Iran |
BLAWG Europe | Germany |
Blessed family | Burundi |
Book Of Life(BOL)Church | Malawi |
Boom worldwide | Nigeria |
Bravoworld International | Nigeria |
Bride of Christ ministry Jordan | Jordan |
BSH / EROM INC. | South Korea |
Burundi global mission | Burundi |
C .I.E.M. GROUP | India |
C.A.C Refuge of God | United Kingdom |
Calling Ministry | United States |
Calvary chapel Kitgum | Uganda |
Calvary Family International Ministries | Malawi |
Campus Crusade for Christ Togo | Togo |
Canada House of Prayer | Canada |
Canberra Declaration | Australia |
Celebration Centre | New Zealand |
Centro Cristão Vida Abundante | Angola |
Childcare Ministries | Zimbabwe |
Christ for Nations ℅ church of Christ in Nations | Nigeria |
Christ for the Nations Ministries | Rwanda |
Christ For You - Rotterdam | Netherlands |
Christ the Lord Gospel Church | Belgium |
Christian Ministries Fellowship | United States |
Christian mission in main land | Zambia |
Christian Teaching Centre Family Church | Nigeria |
Christian Teaching Centre Family Church | Nigeria |
Church of Christian WBS P.M.B 2012 Lissam Ussa, Taraba state of Nigeria | Nigeria |
Church of God | United States |
CHURCH OF GOD | Virgin Islands, British |
Church of God of Prophecy - North America | United States |
Church of God, Cleveland, TN | United States |
Church of Jesus Christ Mission of Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Church Pastor | Australia |
CITAM | Kenya |
City Community | Nepal |
City Of Blessing Samaritan Center Intl Inc | Philippines |
Clear Bible Inc. | United States |
CMFI Capital Harvest Church | United States |
COICOM | Paraguay |
Comibam Paraguay | Paraguay |
Communion Of Bishops In The Apostolic Succession-COBITAS Inc. | Nigeria |
Comunidade Cristã LAR | Brazil |
Destiny ministries international | Malawi |
Dienstbaar | Netherlands |
Divine Light Deliverence | Uganda |
Divine Tetelestai Outreach Ministry | Ghana |